Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Good Employment News for CPAs & Accountants

I read some good employment news for CPAs and Accountants here and here. Apparently, Certified Public Accountant is one of the Top 10 Best Jobs in America according to CNN Money. In addition, accounting and finance professionals are expected to see an uptick in hiring and salaries in the coming year.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crystal Cathedral Files for Bankruptcy

I just read this article about the Crystal Cathedral filing for bankruptcy in California. It was a sad reminder to me that even churches aren't exempt from the pitfalls of debt. Our current economic reality is causing many in our society from governments to businesses to individuals to churches to struggle with past obligations.

When we borrow money, we presume on the future. We presume that future cash inflows will cover cash outflows. We presume that future property values will be higher than present values. We presume that the economic future will always be as good or better than the present. When the future doesn't turn out like we presumed, then debt begins to affect our lives, our ministries, our businesses, our country, our future.

Although it may not be realistic to completely avoid debt (each of us has to make our own determination), I think we have to carefully consider the pitfalls before we enter debt obligations. We should include the worst case scenario in our assessment of the future. If we aren't careful our debt will control our future.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Recent Change to Cell Phone Rules

I read this today. A new rule included in a recently enacted small business tax relief act may change the way that churches handle cell phones provided to staff. The article suggests awaiting further guidance from the IRS before altering policies on cell phones.

Monday, October 4, 2010

8 Federal Issues for Churches to Watch

Just read this article about 8 federal issues for churches to watch. Included items are:

  • Pastor Housing Allowance
  • Health Care Reform
  • Expiring Tax Deductions
  • Worker Classification
  • Fraud

Some of it is speculation right now, but some is reality. It's worth keeping an eye on it.