Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Self Control & Financial Peace

This past weekend at GCC was a Financial Freedom weekend. We had the opportunity to hear from one of the great Personal Finance Professors of our time - Dave Ramsey. I love Dave. He has an incredible talent for teaching about personal finance in a clear, concise, and entertaining way. Dave said these things that stuck with me:

  1. All of our money is God's. We're managers or stewards.
  2. The Borrower is Slave to the Lender (Prov. 22:7) We've got to reduce and eliminate debt in our lives. I believe this is becoming increasingly more urgent. What if the people of God had no payments? Would the Kingdom of God blossom in a different way?
  3. Have a written plan. Develop a budget and stick to it. This is essential to success.
  4. "Act your Wage." Live within your means. Spend less than you earn. Prov. 21:20 A foolish man devours all he has. 70% of Americans live paycheck to paycheck. There is no margin.
  5. "Save for a rainy day." "I'm positive it's going to rain." There is going to be trouble in your life. Save up an emergency fund to prepare for that trouble in advance.
  6. Give. The tithe is the minimum. Givers ROCK. Giving changes your life. Giving is a natural by-product of 1-5 above. It really gets fun when you become an awsome, lavish, luxurious giver.

So, why doesn't everyone do this? Why isn't everyone physically fit? Dave said that if he could get control of the person in the mirror, he could be skinny and rich. Mark said it starts with self-control. He cited 2 Peter 1:2-12 and specifically verse 6. Add to knowledge self-control.

We're offering an opportunity here at GCC to get knowledge and to encourage self-control through the Financial Peace University course that starts Monday, Feb. 22. Find out more here.

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