Thursday, September 18, 2008

Computer Dependent Accountant

I admit it. I'm highly dependent on my computer. You tend to forget how much you rely on all of you computer equipment, software, and data until they crash.

That's just what happened to us a couple of days ago. At one of the worst possible times of the year, we lost a server and a backup system ( I think that's right. I'm an accountant not a computer guy).

Fortunately, we have the best IT team ever. Jason, Ed, and Justin worked like mad men to get things back up and running by the end of the day they discovered the problem. Way to go guys!

This little incident reminded me of the importance of a good backup system. It's a critical part of an IT and Accounting structure. What would happen if a tornado, flood, hurricane, etc. hit? What would happen to data?

We use several types of backup here at GCC. We use tape drives that backup every night. We also use a web based program called Mozy that provides an easy and inexpensive way to backup data offsite. I'm sure there are other backup procedures that I'm not aware of. But, I'm comfortable knowing that we have some procedures in place.

Backup good...lost data bad.

1 comment:

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